On Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023, Wheel & Sprocket and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) invite you to celebrate nearly a decade of developing Southeast Wisconsin’s Route of the Badger trail network.
Learn about the regional vision that RTC is spearheading to connect more communities in the coming years from our featured guests:
The Honorable Evan Goyke, Representative for the 18th Assembly District
The Honorable David Crowley, County Executive of Milwaukee County
The Honorable Cavalier Johnson, Mayor of Milwaukee
Noel Kegel, Owner of Wheel & Sprocket and Board Member of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Ryan Chao, President of Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Cheryl Blue, Executive Director of 30th Street Industrial Corridor Corporation (30IC)
Reverend Christopher Boston, 30th Street Corridor Linear Park Equitable Development Plan Facilitator
Willie Karidis, Route of the Badger Project Manager